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+1 (978) 552-9391

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USA and Rwanda

Family strengthening

The historically marginalized people’s women and girls suffer multiple or intersectional forms of disadvantages and discrimination caused by lack of access to education, poverty, early marriage, lack of soap, food and other things contributed to violence of different kind because of low esteem and unemployment.

Through Agriculture, Transformational Ministries managed to bought 3 pieces of land in different villages where historically marginalized people live to engage them in productivity, we need to expand the project to another village, we need partners to provide selected seeds and fertilizer to promote the wellbeing of the historically marginalized people.

Through one cow program per family, this program is based on the premise that providing a dairy cow to historically marginalized people help to improve their households as a result of a more nutritious and balanced diet from milk, increased agricultural output through better soil fertility as well as income. Transformational Ministries started cow programs in the families of historically marginalized people, so far 19 families benefited from cow program and 8 cows gave birth.

The cost of a shed and a cow is 500 USD. We have more families to be benefited from this program.

Sponsorship to Orphans

Among 34 children from orphans we have been sponsoring, amazingly 2 of them performed very well and get chance of free scholarship in Excellent Private School called Excel, it is located in Musanze town. This motivates the remaining children to work so hard, Our obligation is to provide uniforms, shoes, school note books, etc... to keep them clean and enjoy a good atmosphere

There is also 2 children who completed primary school and now are in high school, we are able to give them school materials

30 Children remaining are studying in different public schools located in Muhoza Sector, in Musanze District

We have more orphans children on attending list as soon as we get funds we will increase the number

Support in uplifting historically marginalized persons

We have 136 children from historically marginalized people "Batwa", they are studying in different public schools located in Muhoza, Nyange, Kinigi and Musanze Sectors. We provide uniforms, school materials, shoes, school bags every child we support.

5 children from the historically marginalized people’s got free scholarship from a private school called Excel Primary School; we do our best to fulfill our responsibilities and implement the policy of equal opportunities for all, remove stigma and help them to have confidence to engage in productivity life

We have more children who need support, the number may increase depending on the donation / sponsorship we may receive.

Formal and Informal Education

The literacy program intention within adults from historically marginalized people "Batwa people" to provide basic reading, writing and numeracy skills to advance adults literacy in mother language (Kinyarwanda).

Literacy and non-formal education will serve socially constructive purposes to prepare Rwandan citizens to actively participate in the process of social, cultural, and economic development. The ability to read and write is seen as a necessity to access information, and above all, to walk with one’s head high and participate at the local level, in the national effort of construction.

Illiteracy is a major barrier to welfare and the implementation of development policies. Compared with other community members, Historically marginalized people in Rwanda are far behind and less happy, mostly because they don’t have land and livestock and have to survive on casual labor, they are not educated and do not have anywhere to turn to for support other than conditional begging.

The first class graduated among 15 adults women and men 13 of them performed very well. There is an ongoing class of 15 adults who are learning how to read and write in their mother language.