Email Address


Phone Number

+1 (978) 552-9391

Our Location

USA and Rwanda

About Us

About Us

Transformational Ministries, (TM)

Transformational Ministries, (TM), is a Non-Governmental Organization started in 2011, working in Rwanda, we seek to reach out to the most vulnerable members of our society, in particular children, youth, and women in order to empower families and community. It works in the selected sectors of Musanze District in Northern Province of Rwanda with the hope to expand its activities in other Districts of Rwanda

In 1994, Rwanda was torn apart by genocide as the government ordered its Hutu population to kill off the minority Tutsi. The Rwandans, influenced by propaganda, manipulation, and a sense of misguided information and purpose. In just 100 days over a million Rwandans lay dead, victims of an episode of inhumanity but God is not done with Rwanda, and He is calling for hearts to be changed and hope restored in a country that the world ignored.





Our planned






Why we want to achieve

Those activities

Our team

Meet Our Team

Dr. Bojana Coulibaly

African Language Program Manager, Harvard University

Our vision is to raise up the conditionally marginalized people in society through evangelism, education, leadership training, and all other means available to redeem their value, confidence, and productivity.

Bishop Emeritus John Rucyahana

Country Director

Fr. Keith Allen


Executive Director

Dr. Bojana Coulibaly

Field OfficeAfricann Language Program Manager, Harvard University

Mukakarisa Gahongayire Beatrice

Field Officer

Sandra Umuhoza


Hope Rucyahana

Board Member